Game Server Application

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This is a C++ programmed SFML server implementation using both TCP and UDP protocols to create a server side communication between clients. Chosen to match the needs of the game this server would be utilised for, this server would securely create lobbies, identification for all users and create a centralised location for information transfer between players in a game.

Skills Learned

  • Knowledge of the SFML libraries and implementation into C++
  • Knowledge of programming and designing a server-client based multiplayer network
  • Game Lobby Creation and design
  • Sending data to listeners through packet transfer, as well as fundamentals of networking with other programs and computers
  • Understanding of choosing between TCP and UDP protocols, specifically to the SFML library and it’s command options

Future Features

  • A far more streamlined implementation of packet sending and improved communication to listeners
  • Increased size of features, such as sending the data for graphical representation of server menus
  • A linked list implementation of the lobby list to create a potentially limitless amount of lobbies

Code Snippets

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